Ontario Medical Association President Visits McMaster
On Wednesday March 1, 2023 we were fortunate to visit with Ontario Medical Association president, Dr. Rose Zacharias at the McMaster site. The OMA represents Ontario’s 43,000 physicians, medical students and retired physicians by advocating for their personal and professional well-being.
Dr. Zacharias toured our Core and Pathology laboratories and wrote in the OMA newsletter last week “My conversations in Hamilton reinforced the need for more doctors, more nurses and more allied health professionals, including lab technicians. I was alarmed to see empty seats in the lab workplace, representing staff shortages and specimen slides waiting to be processed. Our patients deserve better and that’s why we continue to put forward solutions to invest in human health resources and beyond.” – OMA news March 3, 2023
It was a fantastic opportunity for us to let her know about the challenges we face in laboratory medicine and we are so grateful to her for hearing our concerns and understanding the important role we play in patient care.
While she was here, Dr. Zacharias also met with members from the Department of Pediatrics, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Thank you Dr. Zacharias for taking the time to participate in discussions with our laboratory team.
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